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Guangzhou metro to pilot "ticket gates always open" mode

BY :SilkRoadPost

UPDATED :2024-05-14

Guangzhou Metro is mulling plans to keep ticket gates at stations always open on a trial basis starting this year, in a move to enhance passenger's travel efficiency.

In contrast to the current practice that ticket gates remain closed until activated, the new attempt will keep the gates open by default. Passengers can tap their transport cards or scan QR codes as usual, without waiting for the gates to open, and proceed swiftly through the gates.

However, if some people fail to tap their cards or scan QR codes when going through, the gates will be shut automatically to block the passages.

The new development is expected to ensure a smoother passenger flow at metro stations during rush hours, and extend the lifespan of ticket gates by avoiding frequent opening and closing movements.

Guangzhou Metro will take into account factors such as the overall passenger volume and technical condition to decide which stations will be launching the trial.

Sources & photos: 广州日报,广州地铁,中国广州发布

Author: Pauline

Editor: Annie