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Two national 3A-level scenic spots added in GZ

BY :SilkRoadPost

UPDATED :2024-02-22

Guangzhou’s Huangpu district now boasts two more national 3A-level scenic spots, namely Jingxia Rural Tourism Scenic Spot (迳下乡村旅游景区) and Xingfuli Historical and Cultural Block (幸福里历史文化街区景区).

Jingxia Village is located at the Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City. With lush green trees and beautiful lakes, the picturesque countryside allows visitors to take a fresh breath. They can experience various close-to-nature activities including picking vegetables, camping and barbecuing on the lawn.

The other tourist attraction Xingfuli is situated at Wenchong village (文冲村), a village that has over 800 years of history. A total of 35 ancient buildings can be found in the block, making it one of the largest and well-preserved ancient villages in Guangzhou. 

Featuring Lingnan architectural style, Xingfuli is now a cultural block that provides tourists chances to learn about intangible cultural heritages such as Cantonese embroidery, lion dance, quyi (Chinese folk art forms of storytelling and singing), dragon boat and martial arts.

Source: Guangzhou Daily
Photos: Guangzhou Daily, 广州黄埔发布
Author: Joyce

Editor: Pauline