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Ten theme routes in Guangzhou for you to explore

BY :SilkRoadPost

UPDATED :2024-02-21

A total of ten travel routes featuring various themes in Guangzhou have been released recently, aiming to comprehensively exhibit the multidimensional, and ever-developing image of the city. Now let's discover the charm of Guangzhou along these routes.

1. Revolutionary heritage

Guangzhou is the cradle of China's democratic revolution and the vanguard of China's reform and opening-up. Visiting historic revolutionary sites can provide a deeper understanding of the city's and the nation's history.

Recommended sites: 

Huanghuagang Mausoleum of the 72 Martyrs - Former Site of Huangpu Military Academy - the Museum of the Site of the 3rd National Congress of the Communist Party of China - Peasant Movement Institute - Guangzhou Uprising Memorial Hall - Martyrs' Park

2. Millennium city

Guangzhou has an impressive history spanning over 2,200 years. And it has preserved a multitude of relics that offer a vivid glimpse into its development during various stages of its history.

Recommended sites: 

Yuexiu Park - Nanyue King Museum - Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall - Ruins of the West Gate of Guangzhou’s city wall (西门瓮城遗址) - Beijinglu Pedestrian Street - Tianzi Wharf - Shamian Island - Yongqingfang

3. Architectural art 

This route features the city’s Lingnan architecture, European architecture, and ports in modern China.

Recommended sites: 

Beicun village (北村村) - Chen Clan Academy - Yongqingfang - Shamian Island - Dongshankou - Taikoo Warehouse - Huangpu Ancient Port 

4. Hometown and villages

This route presents the development of villages and clans throughout history, offering visitors a distinctive opportunity to observe the change.

Recommended sites: 

Langtou village (塱头古村) - ISTONE Mineral Garden (石头记矿物园) - Old Residence of Hong Xiuquan (洪秀全故居) - Yuanxuan Taoist Temple (圆玄道观) - Guangzhou Folk Custom Museum

5. Fashion shopping 

Guangzhou is known for many famous business circles, providing visitors with fashion clothes from all over the world, as well as quality household items and delicacies.

Recommended sites: 

Grandview Plaza - Tee Mall - Fashion Tianhe Plaza - Taikoo Hui

6. Cantonese food

Cantonese cuisine is widely recognized for its excellence. This route offers a chance for visitors to enjoy authentic Cantonese delicacies that can heal both body and soul.

Recommended sites: 

Lychee Bay Scenic Area - Panxi Restaurant - Shangxiajiu Pedestrian Street - Chen Tianji Fish Skin (陈添记鱼皮) - Beijinglu Pedestrian Street - Guangzhou Restaurant

7. Cultural relics

Intangible cultural heritages such as Cantonese opera, lion dance, Cantonese music, Canton embroidery, and Canton porcelain are well preserved in Guangzhou. This route not only allows visitors to communicate with the city’s intangible cultural heritage inheritors, but also to experience and learn the craftsmanship of some intangible cultural heritages.

Recommended sites: 

Shamian Island - Yongqingfang - Nanyue King Museum - Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall - Guangdong Museum - Shahe Rice Noodles Experience Center - Shawan Ancient Town (沙湾古镇)

8. Dynamic Guangzhou

The city is home to several Chimelong theme parks, including the Safari Park, Chimelong Paradise, International Circus, Water Park, and Birds Park. Visitors can also choose to stay in one of the many Chimelong hotels, which offer a variety of styles and high-quality services, after enjoying the parks.

9. Flower city

Guangzhou boasts an impressive array of flowers that bloom all year round, ensuring that visitors can enjoy beautiful flowers regardless of the season.

Recommended sites: 

Liuxi River National Forest Park - Shimen National Forest Park - Jindong Peach Blossom Town (锦洞桃花小镇) - Tianshi Cherry Blossom Park (天适樱花园) - Luogang Xiangxue Park

10. Ecology and healthcare

Rural Guangzhou is full of attractive countryside sites, which offer visitors fresh air, hot springs, healthy food and a relaxed atmosphere.

Recommended sites: 

Xitang Fairy Tale Town (西塘童话小镇) - Xihe Town (西和小镇) - Conghua Hot Spring Tourism Resort - Shimen National Forest Park - Nanping Jingxiu Town (南平精修小镇)

Sources: 广州越秀发布, 广州市文化广电旅游局

Photos: Guangzhou Daily

Author: Annie

Editor: Joyce