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Proposals passed to revivify centuries-old spots in Guangzhou

BY :Liu Liu, Annie

UPDATED :2024-01-03

Recently, at a conference held by Guangzhou's Committee of Cultural Relic Management and Historical Site Protection of 2023, 16 proposals have been passed to put a batch of cultural and historical sites under protection. Now let's check out some of the highlights.

After careful deliberation, the committee has decided to incorporate a total of 9 cultural and historical blocks in the protection plan, including Beijing Lu, the ancient central axis of Guangzhou, Wendenan (文德南) Lu, Baoyuan (宝源) Lu, Baohua (宝华) Lu, Changhua (昌华) Street, Haizhuzhong (海珠中) , Guangfunan (光复南) and Renminnan (人民南) areas, spanning Yuexiu and Liwan districts.

According to the plan, all the blocks will be revived based on the principles of authenticity, wholeness and sustainability.

Another reviewed project was Gaoxi (高溪) Village located in Huadu district. As one of the cultural and historical sites officially ratified by Guangdong province, it enjoys a history of over 200 years and boasts abundant resources.

The committee also looked at a protection plan toward Hengsha (横沙) Street situated in Huangpu district, which will focus on cultural root-seeking, cultural integration as well as cultural improvement to exploit more potentials of the area.

The conference considered the development plans of Shenjing (深井) and Gangtou (港头) villages of Huangpu district as well. To provide high quality accommodation and holiday experiences, a number of revamp projects have been put forward, including renovations of the former site of Anlaishi (安来市旧址), Yuyuan Garden (愚园) of Qixifang (岐西坊), and the lotus pond by an ancient stage.

Photos: Guangzhou Daily, 广州越秀发布, 广州荔湾发布
Sources: Guangzhou Daily, 中国广州发布
Author: Liu Liu

Editor: Annie