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Guangzhou to launch livestream e-commerce festival to boost consumption

BY :Liu Liu, Pauline

UPDATED :2023-12-25

Guangzhou will launch its third livestream e-commerce festival both online and offline on March 31. Hosted by the Guangzhou municipal government and jointly organized by Guangzhou Municipal Commerce Bureau and Guangzhou City Construction Investment Group, the festival is expected to run through April 19.

The event will comprise of a series of activities, including an AR light show presented on the Canton Tower, livestreams with different themes, a summit forum, a livestreamer contest, etc.

The festival will also contain side events to promote featured products from countries along the Belt and Road as well as the RCEP member countries, allowing consumers to buy online or shop around at the Haixinsha Asian Games Park, where the event will be based.

A number of major e-commerce platforms have confirmed that they will participate in the event, such as VIP.com, JD, Kuaishou, Taobao, Douyin and O’mall owned by Onion Global Ltd., a lifestyle brand platform.
Photos/Guangzhou Daily
Source: Nanfang Plus
Author: Liu Liu

Editor: Pauline